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Pinterest Announced It Will Launch a New Ad Type
Melike avatar
Written by Melike
Updated over a week ago

Pinterest Announced It Will Launch a New Ad Type 🕺🏻💃🏻

One of the most popular features of Pinterest “Idea Pin” continues to appeal to many users. For this reason, Pinterest has decided to launch an ad type very similar to Idea Pin called “Idea Ads”.

As explained by Pinterest:

“Audiences can view a brand’s inspiring content, visit their site and follow step-by-step DIYs or demos, all within the ad.”

As you can see in these examples, Idea Ads will appear in user feeds, using Pinterest’s interest targeting tools to maximize response.

It’s essentially an Idea Pin that you can amplify with paid promotion, which will get your content in front of more users in the app.

Idea ads with paid partnership, meanwhile, provides a way for brands to promote Idea Pin content created by users.

Meta Has Prepared a Report Explaining the Importance of Customer Loyalty in Online Shopping 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Together with Meta GroupM, it has published a new report highlighting some of the key trends in online shopping engagement and what they mean for brands.

According to the report;

"When developing a strategy, it is important to understand that loyalty is more than just repeating an exchange. Loyalty is based on reciprocity: Research shows that having a personal connection to a brand is equally, if not more, important than a financial incentive in influencing where people shop.”

Although the report has been prepared on online shopping, it contains useful information about the importance of creating customer loyalty.

You can find the report from the link.

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